When i'm trying to cross the road in China. We have these three lane 'avenues' that go through the city, you have time to cross because the car coming is a reasonable distance away but when you start to cross the car speeds up and switches from the outside lane to the inside one so you can't make it. Dumb ass Chinese mentality "He's not crossing in front of me". That pisses me off immensely. A friend of mine once bounced a beer can off the guys windshield when it happened to him.
Not the most sensible thing to do but funny as f**k none the less.
When, in f**k China again, a bus is in the right hand lane at a stop light and when the light goes green take a f**k left turn, blocking all the traffic and making me have to wait another 5 minutes for the light to go green again.
The way the Chinese won't admit when they can't do something. You ask them to do something, they don't know how but say they will and then just don't do it. This guy in my office was asked to write a cheque, he said he would and when we needed to go to the bank he hadn't done it and was staring, confused, at a google page about writing cheques.
Petty jobsworth bureaucracy as found in any local government office anywhere in the world. These people should all be shot.