by Clarino » Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:19 pm
As for my own pet peeves, well I'm not sure we can afford the bandwidth, but I'll give you a snapshot:
Bad drivers. Spider covered most of it, so I'll just leave it at that.
Traffic lights which are programmed to stop you when there is nothing coming the other way. Late at night I regularly get green lights turn to red and see the corresponding lights turn from red to green when there is nothing waiting to cross the junction/enter the roundabout.
People who are unaware of their surroundings, particularly when they are about to walk in front of me.
People who think you are a bigot for holding a different opinion on certain issues.
People who think that wearing expensive clothes makes them better than you.
People who think that the benefits system is to provide a suplement to their income, or all of their income for their entire lives rather than being a safety net for hard times.
People who think being a Tory makes you a bad person.
People who accelerate on the motorway to prevent a lorry from pulling out into lane two to overtake, instead of using lane three.
Inefficiency in the logistics industry.
People who think their job is more important than it is.
Poorly applied health and safety regulations.
People who attack religion at every opportunity.
Women who act like men.
Men who act like women.
Gay men who pretend to be straight.
Men who treat women badly.
Women who let them.
People who beep their horn instead of getting out of the car and ringing the doorbell.
Simon Cowell.
The acts Simon Cowell publicises.
People who park in disabled bays when they aren't disabled/don't have a DP badge.
People who park in the drop-off area at supermarkets.
Parent and child parking spaces.
And about a trillion other things.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx