by The Comrade » Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:20 am
when people hold a door open for me when i'm further than five feet from the door. you're just being an asshole.
when cars stop at uncontrolled intersections to let me cross when i'm like 10-15 feet from the road. five cars could go through the intersection before i even made it to the crosswalk.
people from long island
when i'm listening to my ipod and not looking at someone, yet they try to talk to me as if i'm at full attention and get mad when i have no idea that they're doing it.
people who walk side by side down the stairs making it impossible for anyone else to walk up them.
when i'm biking and i'm on the shoulder of a road and a car slows down to the speed i'm going despite the fact that i look back and signal that i acknowledge the existence of the car. and then the car just keeps going like 10 MPH in a 30 or 45 like an asshole even though they could "pass" me at any point.
when drivers lose any sense of self-awareness and forget traffic laws because i'm on my bike.
poor verbal grammar
A billion more but those are the ones bothering me the most lately