by RoyBatty » Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:30 pm
Hip hop is to real music as etch and sketch is to art.
Granted there are exceptions, Dre being one, but by and large it's some of the most retarded, self aggrandizing, and spurious nonsense popular music has ever spawned. Hell, the very basis of most hip hop songs comes as result of biting samples created by genuine musical artists and throwing some not-so-clever ebonics on top for a crack-head audience. And as for rappers, sorry but there are very few rappers these days with actual musical ability. It's not that hard to pull that stuff off, any more than memorizing a nursery rhyme is... unless you're talking about the few exceptions (Eminem, JZ, Dre) and those few who can freestyle. In that world, very few can actually combine the brain cells to accomplish free-styling, and those that can do it are rarely artists we'll ever hear of. Shit, the entire movement began as some very dumbed down R&B that was an accidental result of poor mixing/recording techniques, but even today you gotta sift through a whole slew of shit before finding a good hip hop artist.
Just sayin'.