i rarely ever check westlaw or westlaw next for anything. i thought it used to all say "thomson west". actually when i go to the westlaw next website it says thomson reuters in bottom right, i can see it clearly... i guess since i worked for "thomson west" first before thomson bought out reuters i always think of it as "thomson". older people than me think of it as "West".
and i know you are easily confused.
what i do isn't related to the searching, it's related to the content
and sazari, i know you think lawyers are all alpha, so it may be helpful for you to know that something like 9 to 1 lawyers prefer westlaw. maybe nonlawyers such as yourself prefer lexis.
the one project that isn't out yet i know of that sounds super awesome is kind of like google docs to share stuff but that automatically starts linking up your content for you. as in you write the cite and it finds it, and then the thing is shared on a cloud with whom you want. it's made specifically with corporate lawyers between corporations in mind or something like that.