by Hyperion » Sat Nov 03, 2012 10:04 am
High school physics teacher with a side business selling 'anti-energy' drinks to local convenience stores. Currently in the process of interviewing for a federal physical scientist position. Unsure if I want to leave the classroom, but despite the faux rage I don't get many benefits working as a teacher in Texas. Both my retirement and salary were cut by 10% through proxy means last year, and I'm getting fed up with the level of 'support' for teachers in this country, so I guess I will move out if given the chance.
The students are awesome. I've worked with special needs, gifted and talent, regular, ESL (English as Second-Language), and many others. But god, the rest of it is just unbearable and gets worse every year. I wrote up the curriculum for credit recovery in our district (took about 10,000 man-hours of planning, let alone practicing it) and had it tossed out because a company sold us textbooks and an online 'program' that would be cheaper. Two years later the course was removed because it was deemed a failure. I suggested they revisit my curriculum. Turns out someone destroyed it all. No archives. No transcriptions. Just tossed in the trash.