by Indy » Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:20 pm
This was all over radio today. Some good answers:
-Stop talking about how gov't can't do anything. Talk about what it can do, which is governing. Reshape the argument to how you want to rescale it, not get out a hatchet and amputate everything
-Lose the fundies. Now.
-The American demographic HAS changed, and will continue to change. Appealing simply to old white men will no longer do.
-This one I thought was a no-brainer but yet it happened again this year: talk about what you're GOING to do, instead of scaring everybody about what they're going to do.
-I heard a great quote: "Primary voters are the party's worst enemy." Everybody tries to appease them and then pivot at the last minute to the mainstream. This time around, those people were so extreme (TPM) there was no place to pivot back without looking like a complete flip-flopper
-At least twice today I heard "Had Huntsman been the guy we'd be having an entirely different conversation right now." Sound familiar from here? The fact that he was the first one who got wasted in the primary was a red flag
-The party needs to get out of the bubble that says most "real" Americans agree with all their extreme positions and, well, anybody who doesn't isn't of course a patriotic American
-Purge yourselves of the Limbaughs, the Hannitys, the Coulters, the FOX. Let them all go preach to the violent extremist offshoot of the GOP that eats up their nonsense.
-The goal should be governing, not simply winning.