by exploited » Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:07 pm
So how much or how often do you think that fallacy applies? For instance:
"You Iranians broke into our embassy, kidnapped our diplomats, mentally tortured them and made them into hostages! Then you tried to blackmail us with their lives!"
"You Americans overthrew our democratically elected government, sent billions of dollars to a raging psychotic lunatic and then gave him refuge your country once we booted him out! Our demand is his release to the Iranian people, and then you can get your people back!"
The danger of invoking that fallacy is that you might miss out on perfectly legitimate reasons for doing something.
For instance, Germany carpetbombed tons of cities during WWII. So did the US. I would argue that, as the aggressor, the fact that Germany did X can reasonably be used to argue that the US should do Y.