by eynon81 » Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:21 pm
Things probably would have gone a lot smoother if we had just given the Jews Lower-Saxony after WW2. Hoo-hum.
I'm pretty much a supporter of Israel. In the course of human events what those guys have achieved in the last 60 years is nothing short of miraculous. Things have been going south for them since the first invasion of Lebanon in 1982. I think their big problem is proportionality, my favorite illustration being when they bombed Beirut for some inexplicable reason during their last invasion of Southern Lebanon. Also they need to knock it off with the expansion of settlements.
On the other hand, as a group, the Palestinians have been complete and total shit-heads since Jews started buying land in the Levant 150 years ago. I don't have too much sympathy for them, again, as a group.
That said I'm pretty sure these types of military actions are simply a annual blood ritual designed to insure a good harvest in the spring.