In both cases we are talking about 6-7 years by this stage.
Chym was a PCF addict who did character trolling very, very well. He may have actually been some werid esoteric poet living in a squat in london, who trolled over stolen wifi to get over how shit being that was. Least it might have been, who knows.
Its why it being him, kinda is a plausible explanation every time and will eventually probably be the correct one for something. Given the amount of effort he put into it all (He could have 3 characters running at once, ones that would at least on the surface appear plausibly e.g. a hard core neo-conservative from Kentucky, though largely because they stuck to just onei ssue).
I find it hard to believe he's not here in some format. Pretty much everyone else is in some format.
What really makes me go... ah.. the.. wha?
Is how 'she' just responded to being called chym, rapid quick deflection but an engaging comment. Exactly what I did when I noticed ya'll talking about me when I first reappears on the internet several months back.
Either way, bags of cheese, frozen. THOUSANDS OF THEM.