It's easy to see from this example that it is workers who were willing to give concessions to save the company while management did it's dead level best to drain the corpse before abandonment. This kind of thinking is what informs our entire system and is exactly why it is failing. Everything can be cut to increase the profit margin.
Free market competition hasn't brought the kind of benefits that it's promoters claim it does. Cooperation makes far more sense economically and as a matter of utility. Look at the general state of psychological health in our society. Instead of creating a world where the individual has the greatest potential to develop we are creating a stifling environment were anything of real human value stands in the way of more profits and is thus suppressed or eliminated.
It's breaking people down and that is why the state of psychological health is so poor in this country. On top of that we do virtually nothing to address the problem because to do so effectively would be to create conditions that while conducive to the mental health of the community would be inimical to the practice of deriving immense wealth from idle speculation.