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UKIP couple have foster children removed • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

UKIP couple have foster children removed

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UKIP couple have foster children removed

Postby Homer » Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:05 am

A couple have had three foster children removed from their care because they belong to the UK Independence Party.
Rotherham Borough Council said the children were "not indigenous white British" and that it had concerns about UKIP's stance on immigration

The wife told the Daily Telegraph: "I was dumbfounded. Then my question to both of them was, 'What has UKIP got to do with having the children removed?'
"Then one of them said, 'Well, UKIP have got racist policies.' The implication was that we were racist. [The social worker] said UKIP does not like European people and wants them all out of the country to be returned to their own countries."

The Labour Party has called for an investigation into the Labour-run council's decision, after claims from UKIP it could have been politically motivated.


Now I'm not a fan of UKIP or it's policies, but this is a shocking decision. UKIP is not a racist party imo. Removing or rejecting the placement of foster children based on the political views of the parents is dodgy in most circumstances. If they placed black children with BNP or NF members, then they would have been more justified in the actions. But UKIP? They might as well say Tories can't adopt ethnic children. Stupid decision which I feel will come back to haunt Rotherham council.
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Re: UKIP couple have foster children removed

Postby Dobby » Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:22 am

Ridiculous? Yea. Will it hurt Rotherham council? Probably not. Rotherham and S.Yorks are heavilly labour voting areas.
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Re: UKIP couple have foster children removed

Postby Boris Johnson » Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:11 am

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Re: UKIP couple have foster children removed

Postby Breakage » Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:43 am

This is ridiculous and just gives ammunition to idiots with extreme views. UKIP may have a few racists in it, but I think calling the Party and ideology itself racist is way over the line, hell the Labour party and the Tories have racists in them. Trouble is that most people are so worried about being lumped in with EDL type idiots that they don't make a fuss about something like this for fear of looking like those twats who claim the white race is under siege blah blah.

Poor kids ... now they have to go through finding new families and further upheaval.
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Re: UKIP couple have foster children removed

Postby Sparse1 » Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:28 am

Councils and multiculturalism again.

Multi-culturalism is totally discredited now, nobody sane believes that a government should effectively segregate their population according to ethnic group. I don't really understand why multi-culturalism would play a role in the thinking of a council, they should be concerned with things like equality (something they are legally required to be). It will doubtless be the result of the decision of some middle-aged middle class 'liberal' who thinks it is still 1975 and is totally out of touch with reality.

Giving the excuse that the decision was made because UKIP oppose multiculturalism is even more absurd, because by allowing ethnically British people to foster non ethnically British children the council were also in total opposition to multi-culturalism.
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Re: UKIP couple have foster children removed

Postby OGPhilly » Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:21 am

Mod edit. -u
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Re: UKIP couple have foster children removed

Postby Dobby » Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:32 am

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Re: UKIP couple have foster children removed

Postby Pebble » Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:40 am

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Re: UKIP couple have foster children removed

Postby Dobby » Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:48 am

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Re: UKIP couple have foster children removed

Postby WizardfromOz » Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:52 am

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