[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 543: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
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Happy Birthday Kane? • The Lounge • Political Crossfire Forums

Happy Birthday Kane?

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Happy Birthday Kane?

Postby uebermann » Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:13 am

Or so says the forum birthday notifications. HBD!

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Re: Happy Birthday Kane?

Postby Precocity » Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:17 am

Our first birthday on PCF. Happy Birthday Kane!
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Re: Happy Birthday Kane?

Postby Edarmoc » Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:51 am

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Re: Happy Birthday Kane?

Postby Precocity » Mon Aug 20, 2012 12:35 pm

I love Krispy Kreme donuts. Especially hot and fresh. Fattening though.
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Re: Happy Birthday Kane?

Postby Edarmoc » Mon Aug 20, 2012 12:54 pm

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Re: Happy Birthday Kane?

Postby John Galt » Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:00 pm

i disagree they are the best

i like thick chewy donuts with a chocolate glaze

actually i went to this place called "world's best donuts" and it did indeed have the best cake type donut i've ever had. but it's like a 5hr drive up to grand marais so... i only go once a year
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Re: Happy Birthday Kane?

Postby The Comrade » Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:03 pm

entenmann's chocolate covered donuts MIGHT be better than fresh doughnuts. well, were better. once they were bought by a major food company they started sucking.
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Re: Happy Birthday Kane?

Postby John Galt » Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:05 pm

they also have that crumble donut that i enjoy. and i wouldn't pass up the white powdered ones. but when you get the variety box you're stuck with plain cake that you're supposed to do what with? dunk in coffee? not fit for my dog
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Re: Happy Birthday Kane?

Postby The Comrade » Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:07 pm

even though their doughnuts generally suck the blueberry cake doughnut from DD is pretty solid.

best doughnut i've ever had though that wasn't homemade was from a tim hortons. maple glazed with bavarian creme filling.
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Re: Happy Birthday Kane?

Postby jimmyz » Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:42 pm

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