My daughter had just one cat, but she was living with roommates and as they are now all moving apart, she kinda got stuck with the extras. She is moving into a smaller place, however, and the landlord does spot inspections. It was fine having 5 or more(I can't remember how many they had all together) in a 3 level townhouse with a basement for the boxes, but my place is much smaller and no basement.
We have boxes and they all use them. It's just the shear magnitude of shit that gets overwhelming. Plus, my youngest got suckered into buying this "organic" cat litter and it sucks balls. I'm going to be getting some serious industrial strength, multi-cat litter here. I may even take on Black Thursday just to do it. Oldest says she has a friend who will take one of them and he is allegedly the smelliest shitter, but I'm not sure that will gitterdun.
Shooting cats and making your baby cry is not the American Way. Shooting prairie dogs and coyotes is. And, if my daughter gets married, she might start crapping out babies and I would get stuck babysitting them and they are twice as annoying and smell just as bad. Sides, I'm just way too young and cute to be called "Grandma".