by Indy » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:23 pm
Well of course but my original point was you'd think there would be a reckoning after Romney got bounced this month by a president that most people are just blah about if they don't hate him.
And rethink all those failed strategies that not only didn't matter to voters, but actually hurt them. Things like Benghazi.
Apparently not.
What's funny about all this is: listening to/watching media post-election, if you watched, say, FOX, all you heard was how Obama stole the election by giving colored people free stuff, or some variation of that theme.
The most intelligent, interesting assessment I heard was two Republican strategists who came up with some really spot-on ideas on what needs to change, who needs to go, and how to take the party into the future. They were being interviewed on... the evil liberal NPR. Go figure.
Either way, I cannot fathom what they think the payoff in fetishizing Benghazi is, since they were flogging that before the election to total lack of interest except to those in the bubble.
The only plausible theory I've heard is that they're trying to tank Rice so that Obama picks Kerry and that opens up a Senate seat. Although that seems like a very roundabout way to do that.