Look, you are trying to distract from the point, which is this:
The earth's resources are finite, even if we use advanced technology that didn't exist previously to find more that we couldn't reach before at some point they will be exhausted. There's no getting around that.
And furthermore in our current situation all practical purposes resources are not infinite, we are using them up rapidly. Additionally, we are adding to the numbers that are using them even more rapidly. It's a compounded geometric progression and we can measure it happening in real time.
However if we take the necessary steps we can prolong the availability of needed resources. This is the point of the article, and the point I was making. I did not intend for you to take it as I agreed with every point the article made or was presenting the article as some type of gospel to be taken at face value and not thought about in any way.
It was a source I thought he would look at and it stated a more nuanced outlook toward the availability of resources than that which he took which was the brute assertion that resources are infinite and that business shouldn't be regulated in it's exploitation of them.
You seem to have missed the nuance of my position toward the source material.