by Lobster » Sun Dec 02, 2012 6:04 pm
But gender roles in every human society were intrinsically linked to gender differences. I'm not trying to enforce anything, personally. I'm perfectly happy with a woman having only one or two kids after having pursued a successful career or whatever else they wish to achieve before procreating. I don't want to force modern developped countries to go back to an objectively less just and brutal form of society, and it isn't doable anyways. But unless it's uniformally applied everywhere on the planet to every society (and it's never going to be) all this means is that societies still using an "obsolete" but much more efficient social construct (as far as self-propagation, which is the base goal of any organism) will eventually replace them. It's simple demographics. It works in a theoretical construct of a perpetually stagnating population barely replacing itself, granted. I just don't think it's a realistic goal.