by broken robot » Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:52 am
I don't know I haven't used spotify, but I'm trying to mix up my listening by trying out niche stations, ie. It's not customizable, but there's a pretty broad set of artists in some cases (so broader space for independent/small labels). One problem I'm having right now though the niche station is starting to sound the same and songs bleed together...
Good questions being raised about role of music industry in internet streaming services. I'm just trying to get by finding new music. Pandora's best bet so far it seems for its customizable nature and easy interface, but I don't feel part of any community. In some ways the individuation is isolating. When I use the niche services though again there doesn't seem to be enough variation.
Sigh, the perfect radio station for "me/us" has not been invented. Might have to go back to listening to mainstream radio just to find out what's good right now.
I've been listening to stations on TuneIn (app for Iphone), but there doesn't seem to be any customization? I don't know if I can be arsed to sign up for anymore of these sites.
The Subversives