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Education - more practical? • Page 4 • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

Education - more practical?

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Re: Education - more practical?

Postby Professor » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:47 am

I believe that Menson hit the problem on the head. A child that WANTS to learn, will learn. Regardless of the method used. I disliked drama class in HS. It was interactive. It was "fun" (for some). It was carefree. And I still hated every minute of it. On the other hand, I loved calculus. It was hard. It required a lot of sitting though lectures on theory. I also loved history, which was ALL lectures. Sure, I'll grant that some methods are better than others, but if I kid wants to learn, they will learn.

The problem is a Catch 22. Children are not taught at home that an education is important. They don't receive any support for homework outiside school. Why? Because they didn't receive an education (most times) and don't appreciate the importance of one. So, their kids don't become educated. And grow up into parents that don't support education for their kids. It's a cycle.

There are 2 ways to break it. You can convince parents to care. But, that ain't gonna happen. If anyone has any good ideas to convince parents to care about their kids education, I'm all ears. Heck, I just had some meetings with a lady who is heading up a program for a charter school where they will feed needy kids a dinner meal, since it's often that lunch is the only meal the kids eat all day.

Or, you can completely remove parents from the equation. Have kids come to school for 7:30am. Provide breakfast. Go to classes from 8am-3pm, 30 minutes for lunch. From 3-5pm, you have homework time and perhaps some extra-curricular activities. Also use this time to counsel kids and help them with any problems they have. No summers off - school year 'round. They are off roughly the same number of days as us adults, with perhaps a week of vacation (the week differs by school) every 6 months for vacations or whatever.

In other words, completely remove parents from the equation. If kids aren't attending school at all, then send school employees to their houses to find out why.

This might not work for older kids who are already trained to hate school. But, for a kindergartener, it would start them off on the right foot. Then, after a generation of this, we would have a whole new crop of parents who care about an education and then pass that on to their kids.

I see no other way out of this cycle.
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Re: Education - more practical?

Postby Divinity11 » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:56 am

Well, I just typed out a drawn-out response for the solution to public education, and took too long, apparently, since I had to re-log in to post it, and I lost it all. Stupid servers.

Nutshell: Turn all charter schools into publically-funded military academies. These academies would have a modified curriculum which is a hybrid between the JROTC program and AVID, forcusing more on self-respect, determination, self-esteem, and organizational skills.

Public schools test scores automatically improve since the bottom-feeders are removed and sent to the military academies. A student can "earn their way" back into a public school if their instructors at the military academy deem them worthy.

*Sorry, this is way less detailed than what I originally tried to post.
Thankless, and proooouuuud of it!
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Re: Education - more practical?

Postby Dennis » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:12 am

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Re: Education - more practical?

Postby Professor » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:59 am

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Re: Education - more practical?

Postby The Comrade » Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:09 pm

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Re: Education - more practical?

Postby Dennis » Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:50 pm

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Re: Education - more practical?

Postby Divinity11 » Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:22 pm

Thankless, and proooouuuud of it!
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Re: Education - more practical?

Postby Professor » Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:26 pm

I certainly don't mind analyzing learning styles and/or changing class structure to suit students. But, those are relatively minor changes. Those require some modification of certain things, but every single teaching style is being used at many places in the country. For every 100 schools doing lectures, there are 3-5 doing hands-on stuff (pulled those numbers straight out of my a$$). It just requires benchmarking those 5 schools.

I'm talking about massive monetary infusions into the education system to pay for additional teachers, truancy officers, food, smaller class sizes, etc.

Yes, this does seem to run contrary to my stance on "smaller government". But, it's not. In the short term, it creates huge government. But, as generations become more educated, they become wealthier. They rely less upon the government. This creates less need for government, which means smaller government. And, because government is being shrunk in response to a lack of need, it doesn't hurt the populace.
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Re: Education - more practical?

Postby fstarcstar » Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:55 pm

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Re: Education - more practical?

Postby jurupa » Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:57 pm

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