Actually you know who had the best idea on how to achieve this? Professor. Back at PP he said that scaring people won't do it, no matter how real it is.
People who think this is a political conspiracy will always shout down those who say we need to act, negating them. The other reality is that at this point Americans are just that blase, either because they don't care or they can't believe something this could possibly happen (question: have you been paying attention just the past two years?).
His suggestion was that you need to make this super economically attractive to people, to make it so adopting clean energy usage is a huge bonus for them, and they'll all jump on board. It sounds absurd that you'd have to incentivize people not to destroy themselves, but this country is absurd right now.
The flipside to that, though, is that you would have to discourage polluters economically from continuing to pollute at those levels and the moment you do that the deniers scream "socialism."
So you could get the populace adopting a new approach but industry will fight this to the death.