BORIS SAID "What do you even mean by capitalism?
It's defined as (by marx) a method of distribution where the means of production are privately owned.
Thats not what we have now. Most are publicly owned by stock issuing corporations, others by in some sense the government, the only example's I can imagine of true private ownership are very low scale indeed. Not anything listen on stock engage, then again that is partly by definition. "
Boris, I am still trying to make sense of this reply. Marx defining capitalism is like Ford defining Chevy. I own my own business, have no stock or public or government control over my product. I pay taxes as an O.E.M. stands for (Original equipment manufacturer) MOST companies in the United States are like mine ,small business. Most large corporations today are multinational. Being multinational they are corrupted by governments of all types. China is the perfect example of what I call crony capitalism. Government control over goods and services. I would venture to say that Communism has infected globalization/Global trade to a point where true capitalism no longer exists on a global scale. I am a true capitalist in every sense of the word. I build a product, market it and profit from it. It is a beautiful thing. There is NO better way, no better freedom and no better opportunity to better ones self.