by OGPhilly » Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:14 pm
I mean, for example, when I was 10 years old I remember very specifically going to a classmates house for a sleepover. It was a Saturday and I got there in the afternoon. He had a playstation and we played Twisted Metal. He was the clown with the ice cream truck and he beat me repeatedly as I went against him with several different characters, so I said the ice cream truck must be the best car in the game, so then I was the clown and he chose some other guy I had previously played as and he beat me again to prove that he was just better at the game. Then we played Skullmonkeys for a while. Then we picked on his little brother. His bathroom was fully carpeted and had no tile, which I thought was really weird. Then we watched South Park, which my mom didn't allow me to watch at the time. Later, we were hungry and he said he had some string cheese but when we went to get it, it was in the freezer for some reason (FROZEN CHEESE!) so we ran it under hot water before we ate it. His house was facing a busy street while my house was on a very quiet block, so the sound of cars going by made it very difficult for me to fall asleep.
I haven't been back to this house since, and I lost touch with the classmate pretty quickly after that school year ended, but I can still remember this stuff vividly because by age 10 my brain was just keeping tabs on what I experienced.