by Medius » Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:56 pm
There isn't just one kind of inequality.
Physical Inequality
Ability Inequality
Legal Inequality
Financial Inequality
Social Inequality
Physical Inequality:
Completely luck. Whether you are born with a non-functioning limb or lose it in an accident, not a lot of control over this one.
Ability Inequality:
A lot of this has to do with training and upbringing. This is generally something people have to overcome themselves and only presents a problem when opportunity is restricted. You can't make someone have abilities, but you can make it easier for them to acquire ability.
Legal Inequality:
This is simply the function of a bad government. As long as all people are treated equally under the law, this should not be an issue. The fall-out from past legal inequalities may, however, carry forward in the form of reduced Ability across entire segments from previously restricted opportunity.
Financial Inequality:
This is a difficult one as many wouldn't agree with the concept of financial equality. Capitalism does not even try to create financial equality. Capitalism simply protects people's ability to keep what they've earned and provide a protected way to funnel wealth back into an economy. With regards to equality, the best ways to make capitalism equal is not directly, but through harnessing its nature. Provide an equal playing field, where anyone can enter into the economy and work towards their goals and maximize competition so that nobody is given undue protection simply by their wealth. We generally fail at this in the US, where big companies are protected financially from poor decisions for the sake of employment.
Social Inequality:
This is generally an amalgamation of all of the inequalities. You can find yourself in a lower social status by accident of birth, by a lack of ability, due to your lack of wealth, or legal status. Then again, this also assumes that the top social structure is the elite wealthy social stratus. For many, that isn't the case. Some people put the rich at the top, some the entertainers, other the intellectuals, some favor the thrill seekers, and others favor smaller social circles. I think social equality really only comes into play where it limits or facilitates opportunity to participate. Short of that, it is preference.
Personally, I would suggest we focus on Legal Equality and demand this always from our government. Second to that is taking care of those who are physically limited from participation. Then work to maximize opportunity, so that people have the greatest chance of living the life they want.
Short of a scientific breakthrough, we will never have Physical Equality without hobbling everyone down to the lowest possible physical state.
We will never have Ability Equality so long as we have freedom of choice.
Financial Equality would require a whole new system that somehow fixes the lack of innovation and motivation that comes from having a life in which you are provided for regardless of achievement.
Social equality, without a reinforcing legal inequality, is just an illusion.