Wow good trolling guize. Allow me to take the bait.
He's achieved more in his life, that you ever will.... and he was a crazy ukip voting xenophobe towards the end, so he was gaining negative points on a daily basis and still died with a high net level of awesome.
Ya'll call me when your commentator over live coverage of the mars landing or host your own cutting edge technology kids video game competition show (STILL YEARS AHEAD OF ITS TIME).
Also he sat on bombers and directed to them to German cities to bomb to the ground for 5 years. So, helped Commit war crimes and got away with it, boss. As well as you know, doing a real man dangerous job in the bestest war ever.
over 9000 times the man any one who posts on this forum is ever likely to be.
lolololol he looked silly when he was in his 80'ies. Yeah.. I hope you go senile and shit yourself, and yet occasionally have moments of clarity where you realize how degraded your life has become and how you mocked Patrick Moore. Finally before slipping back into senility and going back to no longer caring your sitting in your own feces you'll realize truly, time makes fools of us all.
Boom. one shot.