As i've noted, they have already done the 'YAY PEOPLE POWER, AINT THE FUTURE GREAT' thing already, like twice/thrice now. It was stupid the first time (the 'you' thing, If I remember correctly constantly referenced the internet), the american solider bit was just soppy nationalistic and boring (as well as quite possibly in retrospect, wrong) and 'the protester' again seemed to trip over the difference between the singular and plural subject for the sake of a magazine trying to appear relevant and 'with in' in the age of free to read blogs and news websites continually handing its ass to it.
There's not point in doing it anymore if the point they are going to make every 4-5 years when there stuck for ideas is, YEAH THE FUTURE IS ALL DECENTRALIZED IN POWER STRUCTURES AND SHIT. Which I'm finding continually funny as giant corporations monetize all the content you freely give to them whilst also clearly favoring the manufactured celebrities.
Wow I can see all the banal shit that Kayne comes up with in 140 characters or less, man this future is just so free. Oh look Maddona Mk.II just thanked all her 'freaks for loving her being edgy and shit' again, wow. The future is great.
Like I said, Sebastian Coe.