My relatives are either wildly successful (brain surgeon, chemist, car dealer owner, private school chancellor) or bums. Please don't mistake "bum" for "poor," however. My grandmother-in-law (I think that's the proper term) basically has two houses in California that she bought with inherited money. For one reason or another, my step-father's dad fumbled on his will and gave all the money to her until she saw fit to give it to their children. Well, it turns out she thought "never" was an appropriate time frame. Worst of all, she drops in unexpectedly and tries to pretend like nothing is wrong. She lives like a millionaire. I went to one of her houses once and it was a mansion - in San Francisco. There was a pool on the roof and even 5 years ago she had a flat 55 inch television in every main room.
She brings used pencils as gifts and mails $5 gift cards.
I think she's just a real life troll.