mass violence incidents aren't about guns, it's about mentally disturbed individuals
norway had the most horrific mass violence episode ever and it was because the guy is batshit crazy. same with the events that have happened here.
we shouldn't take away rights from 99.999% of the population that isn't batshit crazy just because a few individuals are. I'm not sure what ought happen but i don't think anything involving "guns" should change. this is an issue about mental illness, not guns
this article is by a woman who fears her own son will do this type of thing because he is mentally unstable this article notes there have been 61 incidents since 1982 involving firearms in this country. frankly, while each are tragic, there's been something like 400 million americans alive during that time. 61 out of 400 million is not a lot. this is because highly mentally disturbed individuals are very few and far between, unlike guns. if the issue was guns there'd have been like 100 million mass massacres since 1982. but there hasn't been, there's been 61
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.