The personal protection in the argument is the crux, and is consistently ignored as if its a ridiculous stance by the gun grabbers.
Yet there are armed guards, armories in the schools, teachers carrying and even students carrying to classes in Israel and if something were to happen causing a call for drastic restrictions on guns.... the people would laugh at the notion and the anti-gunners would be reduced to the doldrums of kookhood where they belong.
Here in the US the ones avoiding the realities of the personal protection rights are dangerous cowards who flee into the woodwork and try to move the overton window into the realm of, "theres car accidents because theres cars". Its just a BS stall till Obama acts as a dictator and gets his Duma rubber stamp so they can then claim how right they are about the issue with the backing of the most dangerous system on the planet.
They would rather provide a safe work environment for criminals to claim political victories with an opportunity to get a few "hip hip hoorays!".