That's the question I usually get when I use them too. "Whacha gonna use fer yer trash then, little lady?" They ask that while checking out my bags. I got the ones that fold down to a 4x6 square and snap shut, ones with the hard bottom that folds up when you flatten them, one even has a little change and money pouch on the inside. But, the ones that really created a Holy Crap Fest in the checkout line was when I told the cashier to be sure to put the frozen stuff in the insulated bags. Mine are the square ones that stand on their own and have zippers around the top. Good Gawd, the cashier, the bagger and the two customers behind me all had to personally check them out before they could bag my groceries.
And that is when I fully realized that I was borned and reared in just about the hickest assed state in the nation. Welcome to Wyoming, where people freak out and are absolutely amazed by reusable shopping bags.