by Professor » Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:59 pm
Because Japanese and Chinese kids kick our asses in education because they just play 4-square all day long? No, they are in school an average of 7 hours per day. Not including lunch and recess.
Anyway, I think the article was about "equality". In one of Gladwell's books (I think) he talks about this. Being stereotypical here, but basically white kids receive lots of attention at home and especially over the summer. During a school year, all kids learn at roughly the same rate. But, when they let out for summer, the minority kids don't keep up their skills, while the other kids do. When school comes back in, the minorities spend the first few months having to re-learn the stuff from last year, while the white and asian kids move ahead.
I know this speaks more to a "summer" program, but it is all indicative of parental involvement.