by joelahnlot » Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:31 am
I've always said the beautiful thing about guns is that they put the weak on equal footing with the strong, doesn't matter if you're a woman, infirm, or elderly, all it takes is the pull of a trigger to defend yourself and your family. And sometimes even its mere presence is enough to deter someone, predators in nature more often go for the weakest and slowest of the herd than to contend with a bull, guns in a way pretty much makes the entire herd of animals into bulls.
In extreme situations predators will be able to take down a bull, but they often avoid it as death is a real possibility in that process...These guys are basically animals, I have no doubt that they would have channeled their evil elsewhere had she been armed, so until the underlying issues in the culture can be resolved...there's absolutely nothing wrong with arming yourself to protect yourself and the homestead.
Those who prey on the weak HATE that, they would do everything they can do disarm those that they prey on. Reminds me of the story of a single mom awhile ago who had her dogs poisoned by some guy, and when all her dogs were dead he decided to break in, but unbeknownst to him she was armed, and the fool is now dead.
I don't even want to imagine what would of happened to her and her baby had she not been armed.