I'm all for cars that automatically do everything for their drivers. I can't wait for them to come out with cars that all communicate with each other, all drive in a single line, in a single lane, going the same, safe speed. That way I can finally get some real speed going in the other lanes without having to slow down for the a$$hat driving the Nissan 55mph in the fast lane!
Face it, 90% of people can't drive. Or, rather, they can, but they choose not to. They'd rather fiddle with the radio, talk on the phone, put on makeup, shave, etc. Consequently, they aren't driving. Either that, or they just don't know how to drive. When they encounter another car going 5mph slower, they slow down and stay behind that car, instead of keeping their own speed up and passing them.
When I get behind the wheel of a car, I instantly hate almost every other person in the world. It's not a road rage thing. I don't get angry. I simply view everyone else on the road as an obstacle between me and my destination. Obstacles that must be avoided and passed.
So, I can't wait for technology to remove the driver from the equation in most cars. That way I can drive my unautomated, 400hp, gasoline-drinking, manual transmission sports car like it should be driven.