by foadi » Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:25 pm
my budget changes A LOT depending on what i am doing
when i am working/petitioning it is usually something like this
hotel: $25/day (split room with friend, avg bid on priceline is $40-45, usually $50 after tax for $25 each split). am reimbursed around half of the time, so monthly total will go from $750 to $375
food/cigarettes/coffee: $25/day - $750/month
car rental: $150/week on avg, split two ways so around $11/day each. again, a reimbursed around half of the time so the monthly total of $330 will drop to $165
gas: split it, and reimbursed around 20% of the time. prolly $4/day or $120/month avg
misc/entertainment: this is the trickiest one. on months where i dont do anything, just go on computer after work, maybe $100/month. but this portion can also easily be over $1000/month. lets just say $500/month average.
avg monthly budget when petitioning: $1910/month
i've been crashing at one of my familys places the last three weeks and will likely stay at least another couple week unless something pops up. in situations like this my budget is EXTREMELY low. spending maybe $15/day right now. have a car again, so all i need to buy is gas and food.
my long term vacation budgets i calculate by weeks, not months. to me $7000 = good for 10 weeks. $10,000 = good for 15 weeks. $12,500 good for 20 weeks. $15,000 good for 6 months and so on.