by The Dharma Bum » Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:08 am
Oh and I think the reasoning behind why advanced capitalism will necessarily transform itself into a form of socialism is because as productivity is maximized the productivity of less and less of the population is relevant for the purposes of industrial production. When people are no longer needed to produce they have no possible source of income or possible way to exist. They will have been totally alienated from society. Already we have a growing population of unemployable homeless people dying like this on the margins of society every day here in the US.
This is a very real issue and it is one that traditional forms of socialism are not designed to address. We've mostly solved the problems they addresses, and we've done it mainly through the enhanced productivity that technology brought to the table.
Since this is inevitable it is clear that at some point it is going to have to be recognized that all stakeholders have to have a share in the wealth that society generates and in a post industrial technocracy that is going to entail some form or another of the equitable social order I am speaking of. It is up to our generation to design and implement this newer and better socioeconomic order and it is now time to move beyond the current political paradigm which is failing to address any of the pressing issues in any way.