by exploited » Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:22 am
The death penalty ought to be reserved for extreme cases, like war criminals, Richard Nixon, terrorists and traitors. Outside of a narrow set of circumstances, it is both immoral and overly expensive (it actually costs more to execute someone then to incarcerate them for life).
Public humiliation should be brought back. I think it is effective and a good way of punishing non-violent, opportunistic crimes, up to a certain age. I can remember stealing a pack of smokes from a variety store when I was 13... I got caught. No police were called, but I was made by my parents to stand in the store, holding a sign that said "Thief" on it. If asked about it, I was expected to tell the person what I did. It was the most humiliating thing I've ever experienced, and I hated my parents for it... and yet I haven't stolen since.
Corporal punishment is for barbarians, and has no place in modern society.
Sentences for violent crimes need to be increased. I'm thinking 2 years mandatory for assault, 5 if the victim reaches a certain threshold of damage, 10 if the victim is left permanently disabled. Minimum of 10 years for rape, minimum of 15 for murder, minimum of 20 for premeditated murder. No parole. Child molesters are an interesting case, because they have such a high likelihood of reoffending. I have no problem with chemical castration, if proven to work, as well as prison sentences in line with rape and sexual assault.