by Professor » Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:12 pm
I don't watch any TV news (except the 10 minutes of Solidad O'Brien in the morning - just to see if WW3 has started or something). I don't tweet or follow anyone. I don't Facebook. I skim my local paper every day. I skim the WSJ every day. And, I subscribe to 2 online, daily, local business publications (Baton Rouge Business Report and LA Politics). Basically, I spend about 20 minutes each day consuming news.
Think about everything you hear about in the news. How much of that actually impacts you? How much of it actually causes to to change something that you did or were going to to today? And, if it did, were you acting rationally?
For instance, a few months ago, did you say, "Wow, they assassinated the Ambasador over in Libya last night. I'm going to have a double latte this morning instead of a mochachino."?
Face it, we have access to way too much news that, plainly, has no effect on us whatsoever. The media wants me to care about the following (headlines on CNN right now):
- Can airliners really fly upside down?
- Biden: Obama to get gun recommendations by Tuesday.
- Lincoln tops Oscar nominations.
- Inauguration pastor Giglio bows out
- Report: Seau's brain positive for CTE
- Court to take up bin Laden death photos
- Karzai, Pentagon key topic: Withdrawal
- Bergen: Abandon Afghanistan? Dumb
Is anything that you read in any of those articles going to change anything that you do today? Sure, we may have opinions on them. But, will they change anything concrete that you do, produce, make, etc.? Not a single one will change anything for me.
So, I will ignore them. I recommend that everyone else does the same. If a news article doesn't affect you, ignore it. Trust me, you have plenty to worry about when you consider things that will actually affect you without actively seeking out additional things to worry about.