by Ben Huh » Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:03 pm
Anyone on either side who thinks that anything major is going to happen is out of their mind. At best, Obama uses some exec orders to input minor tweaks to the executive branch (I do have to agree with Galt that ATF director be approved by Congress after recess period is over). IMO Obama and Dems are playing the long political game which is why I do not expect anything to happen soon. They'll just use GOP gun stances in the wake of the CT shooting and stretch that out until the next midterm in 2014 and use those positions, and the negative press the Dems place on them during the next 2 years, to take back the House and then control Congress unilaterally again. Once they have both houses back, and if their constant harping about "gun crazies" is successful and warrants them a solid majority in Congress, then you'll see anything close to beefy, back-breaking legislation on gun control. The next 2 years, even outside of this issue, is going to be about making the GOP members in the House look batshit so Dems can retake it.
..."if the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit."