by Spider » Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:35 pm
The trouble with the non-pew pew scifi movies is that they often get extremely cerebral and disappear into the abstract and the psychological, which pleases people like us in this thread to no end but turns off the sort of people who vote on awards. They want an emotionally substantial but relatively simple story, driven by performance and score. They don't want to consider the ramifications of genetic engineering in Gataca, or the Deus ex Machina in 2001: A Space Odyssey (that one should have had best picture), or the wild mind trip in Solaris, or the metaphorical immortal brain scramble of The Fountain, or the meta-debate about identity itself in Moon.
They just want to see Leo bang Kate in a cargo hold on a doomed ship and have him die at the end. Poor boy rich girl, with a known ending=Best Picture.
Scifi just goes over their heads, methinks.