by JDHURF » Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:54 am
I voted for Marlon Brando because he is one of the best actors of all time and no one else had voted for him. I think that, among the list, Robert DeNiro and Daniel Day Lewis, along with Brando, are among the best actors ever. Comrade is quite right to mention Christian Bale in my view. He's an incredibly versatile actor who will go to nearly any length to nail a role: he became emaciated and ate live larva for Herzog's Rescue Dawn, his acting was genius. I'm a big fan of Chaplin. There are a lot of really great actors. I think that Denzel Washington is one of the best: he can play just about any role convincingly.
I think Cate Blanchett, Ellyn Burnstyn and Julianne Moore are actresses who could easily make the top lists. There are far more actors and actresses that deserve mention, but this is mostly off of the top of my head.
Edward Norton is one of the worst actors of all time. He is such a giant kitty. It's hilarious that Norton so often plays the role of villain when he's the least convincing villain I've ever seen in any film. His performance in the Itallian Job is laughable and verging on the uncomfortably bad. American History X is garbage and his role in it helped contribute to it being garbage. His only good scene in the film was the flashback scene of his high school years when he got into the argument with his racist father about his black teacher and it was only good because he was very convincing being the dumb, kitty, white kid. His only good role was in Fight Club and that's because he nailed the spineless, cowardly, shell of a white kitty, sell-out.