by Precocity » Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:22 pm
Ahhh eynon81, where can I begin...
I think back to when we first set up the site. His first complaint was his username being on page 2 of the member list and he was begging to move it to page 1. My repeated attempts to explain to him how ridiculous that was fell on deaf ears. After several weeks of PMs and telling him NO over and over he decided to launch a new attack - post counts. He started trying to bribe me to edit the forum database and change the post count because he felt that anything less than President was unacceptable. While I can't remember all the specific bribes, the one that I won't forget is that he told me he could get me nude photos of any female members that joined the site. While it was tempting, to say the least, I still had to tell him no. Of course uebermann and I went round and round about the ethics involved but I convinced uebermann that it was a short-term fantasy leading to a long-term nightmare. Besides, I told uebermann that he had his sheep pics and that should be enough.
The mistake was sending me the PMs. He should have sent them to uebermann because not only would he be President, but his post count would be in the 5 figures. I'm sure with more coercion he would be a moderator by now.
Speaking of moderator, when he applied for that, he typed out a 10 page application listing all his accolades. I guess the one that failed him was that he loves to eat Lamb Chops. When uebermann saw that it wasn't just a no but a hell no.
No, he's right where he needs to be - on page 2.