by Indy » Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:29 pm
Both parties are equally guilty in this fiasco, starting with offender in chief number one: Obama. He is just as much to blame for this as John Boehner. It is truly a bi-partisan corruption that perpetrated the #1 issue in this country: the destruction of our economy and the plunge of the country into massive debt.
The Dems simply say nothing or lie outright about doing something (Obama), the GOP distracts their followers by focusing them on things like Benghazi and black people.
The reason I slam the NRA for being the clueless hypocrites they are is you mention anything about gun laws and they scream about liberty, freedom, tyranny and how we'll have to pry them from their cold, dead hands.
But if you put on an Armani suit and prison-rape them while taking over their gov't, they grab their ankles. Hence my recurring point: glad you guys have all those guns! Way to stand up for "liberty" and all!
Which of course the plutocrats figured out a long time ago: let them have alllllll the guns they want. That will appease them.