by Indy » Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:47 am
I would like to see Obama hauled before a hearing and asked questions like:
-Why did you hire Geithner for Treasury Secretary, when he was clearly asleep at the wheel as NY Fed Reserve chief when the meltdown happened?
-Why did you choose to retain/hire architects of the meltdown like Larry Summers and Hank Paulson?
-Why has not one CEO been indicted for fraud in the worst financial crime in world history?
-Why did you neuter the CFPB?
-Why, when you had the upper hand, did you call in all the Wall St. CEOs after your election and instead of threatening them, cup their balls?
-Why is the SEC woefully underfunded and understaffed, along with the FBI financial crimes unit?
-Why do you continue to claim to have taken measures in protecting us from Wall St. when in fact you have not?
-Why have you taken no action to resolve the countless number of underwater mortgages in this country as a result of the meltdown, which is a huge drag on the economy?
But never mind: let's have another Benghazi hearing! Benghazm!
As for who the cop should be given the choice, I'd say Elizabeth Warren or bring back Brooksley Born.