No, I am the only one taking into account human greed here. You are basically saying people should be allowed by society to be greedy, and some people should have the political power to be way greedier than others. And if you support free market economics you are saying the entire thing should be unplanned and left to it's own devices! How is that recognizing the greed of the human race and acting accordingly?
That is senseless, if considered in it's proper light.
Also, what we are calling greed here is not an inherent characteristic of humankind. It is a characteristic that is acquired through socialization to a particular type of social pattern. The truth is we have evolved into the organisms we are today almost entirely because of our proclivity for mutual aid. This is the basis for human society. The path we are on now is a new innovation (relatively speaking), and it is wholly destructive. It quite simply has to be changed. There is no question of it. We are literally destroying our own environment because of the destructive social pattern we have unconsciously allowed to develop. Now is the time to stop acting unconsciously as a culture and start thinking about what we are doing. The human race has been awakened to this fact, there are no more excuses.
I recommend a book by the great evolutionary scientist and politcal philosopher Peter Kropotkin called Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution: ... tents.htmlI think you will enjoy it. It shows that the rational path to take is one of mutual co-operation. The science behind the idea is solid. It's really indisputable as far as I am concerned. I fought against the idea of socialism for a long time. Then I realized it only means a society where everyone has equal access to the wealth and knowledge that is the result of human society's collective efforts throughout history. We are all standing where we are because of work that was done a long time ago. There is really no justification for any claims of privileged levels of access for particular individuals simply because they have figured out how to game the system in their personal favor.
The best way to reconcile individual freedoms with society's needs is anarcho-communism. ... kinCW.html