No Enoch, media matters wasn't right. Media matters took it upon themselves to twist and inflame. I heard the show that day and it wasn't racist. It's simply satire and if people don't understand that, then don't twist the words and context to suit spin. if you know anything about Media Matters you would understand their agenda. I'm content citing them as a biased site.
I've never said Rush was flawless, you insinuated that.
Indy, believe it or not, I'm very disappointed in the people running for office on both sides of the aisle for quite a long time. Everything you said about the GOP being hijacked is true however, you neglected to include the Democratic party. If you are interested in truth, you certainly would have included them since it is obvious our system is corrupted. That you didn't include them speaks volumes.
If you choose to believe what George Soros wants you to believe, be my guest. I just happen to disagree with you. Perhaps I should refer to you in terms of being a progressive instead of liberal, would that soften the blow?