Now you're onto something!
Given that the Fed can regulate interstate commerce, there is NOTHING better than allowing states, or the Fed, to bargain with pharms and such for prices. They already do it with providers.
Wait, no they don't. They don't bargain at all. They say, "Here are the rates we pay. If you take it, you get patients. If you don't, then you have just cut yourself off from roughly 60% of the population that seeks healthcare."
Honestly, there are no easy solutions for healthcare. I explained to someone recently, most people say, "The US spends the most yet has the most unhealthy people". This implies a problem with the system. But, the true problem is "The US has the most unhealthy people, and spends the most." Our problem is with ourselves. We don't seek preventative care. We don't eat in reasonable amounts. We don't exercise. And, instead of seeking care in the most efficient manner (your average nurse could diagnose most of what ails you), by both regulation and custom, we seek the advice of the most expensive amongst us - the doctors.
I don't suppose that we have any community psychologists around here that could help, do we?