by NAB » Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:42 pm
Really Gremlin? I don't ever recall you being involved in one of my ISI threads as you claim, but I do recall you being a proponent of controlled demolitions.
Let's do a little test to see if you're telling the truth, what specific event did I start multiple topics on that involved the ISI? Since you supposedly participated it should be easy for you to remember.
And did I really have a several thousand posts concerning 9/11? Really? Calling out bullshit theories on a psuedo regular basis does not mean I'm patient with them, in fact, it means quite the opposite.
As to your claims about the movement blah blah, yes it is dying at least on the net. It's mostly made up of the bottom crawlers who are into the most insane of theories, and, like flat earthers or apollo mission deniers, they will never give into rational thought.
I will give the Truthers credit for one thing, that topic is what originally drew me to PCF (controlled demolition theories in particular). So for that I thank them.