by Indy » Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:16 am
a) Really. I've not spent much time on this subject eh? Is that so...
b) I've outlined that as well too--many times. Where have you been?
Here are the easiest solutions:
1. Break up the TBTF banks or strictly enforce capital requirements--the first being most preferable
2. Separate investment banking from traditional banking. As my sig quote (not mine) used to say: you can be a bank, or you can be a casino, but you can't be both
3. Staff up and properly finance that SEC and CFPB to proper levels so that people on Wall St. know that if you do the crime, you will do the time (you know, like back in the old days--like the 80s?)
Three easy steps that should take care of almost the entire thing.
Banks won't be so quick to take insane gambling chances when they know there will be no taxpayer rescue should they go bust.
How hard was that?
Oh, and BTW: it was absolutely greed--naked, unchecked and out-of-control greed--that caused the mortgage crisis.