Partisanship for whom?
It's at this point I'd like to--like I always do when this sort of hackery surfaces--point out that labeling me a partisan is
not an argument. It's the Attack the Questioner fallacy.
And, not surprisingly, it is what you offer when you cannot refute any of the points made in the OP, which you have dismally failed to address at any point in this entire thread.
No, instead we get the 10,000th iteration of: "Yer a hater/liberal/partisan/DemocRAT" which is not only irrelevant and a diversion, but a
Hee Haw-like intellectual reaction.
Continuing with the
Hee-Haw-type "nuance," you seem completely clueless that I just pointed out when I criticize one side, I get zero--literally-replies. Yet when it's the other, you can't show up fast enough with your "nuance" to start squealing about how much of a partisan I am and yew don't even know it, cuz yew are the one in denial, yew dirty libby!
That is just brilliant. Really. Brilliant.