region play kinda sucks if they are not all connected. this is stupid, i should be able to be on the map and send resources to anyone else. dumb.
that aside a few things for you exploited. the sewage outflow pipes dump shit, literally, onto the ground in one spot. if you put more pipes in one spot they will back up quickly and the ground will be soaked in shit. i think planting trees (not the park, trees) will clean it up faster. of course first trees you plant will die repeatedly until it's only somewhat polluted
i have with my two cities unlocked i believe everything except for maybe the fire/police/hospital upgrades, and those are unlocked for the region. when i went to bed i was researching the upgrade to the wind plant so you'll also be able to use that soon i think. next time i upgrade the university i'll add school of science and i'll upgrade the solar array. anyway, using a treatment plant instead of the outlet pipe is way better. in addition, the treatment plant dumps clean water -- water that you can then have the water pump to use. it's a nice little cycle you can go with.
you have no mass transit. i dunno why. you should get some buses working -- plus then they'll bus to neighboring cities, including my industrial one near you that needs workers badly. i have a large bus terminal in there and it will drop off and pick up people in your town if you have stops at least
i always seem to need workers. i just want to make a giant city of projects for all the low income jobs i need to have all the damn time. that's my goal tonight, to get projects up. my citizens are too damn wealthy. i want them to be happy without money, but how is this possible??? well i mean it's possible in the game i suppose: ... 124+PM.jpg
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.