Well let me point out an example that contradicts that poor people/unemployed people are that way because they're just lacking, and that "successful people" are being punished.
The most recent economic disaster for this country was perpetrated by people who by any imaginable measure were wildly successful, and as a result millions were thrown out of work.
What did those millions do wrong? Where did they fail? Was it that they didn't have two jobs?
And in fact, they're the ones being punished for the actions of "successful" people, whereas these successful people not only faced no consequences, they received all sorts of handouts--that dwarf any being given to all the victims of these "successful" people.
So just right there is an example--a big one--of how your claim doesn't work.
I ran into a guy last night who had lost his job because his place of work burned down. Where did he fail?
If you're going to take the stance that anybody who is poor/unemployed isn't going to get any help, then own it.
But telling yourself (aka providing moral cover/comfort) that they're all failures who just didn't do things right because they're lacking? No can do.
Just come out and say the only thing that matters is if you get yours and what happens your fellow citizens: tough shit. And be done with it.
But concocting these scenarios where everybody who's fallen on hard times only has themselves to blame is pure fantasy.